選擇以 Bank Deposit 付款的顧客,請按以下步驟進行交易:

  1. 可透過 E-banking / PayMe App (Pay to a bank account) 轉賬及付款
  2. 轉賬時請填寫以下資料:
    1. 收款銀行: 上海匯豐銀行有限公司 (HSBC) (004) 
    2. 戶口號碼: 801-551110-838 (Branch code: 801 Account number: 551110838)
    3. 戶口收款人姓名: shoppinglist
  3. 付款時,請備註訂單編號 ( 已顯示在確認訂單的電郵中),完成轉賬後請截圖
  4. 透過Email內的回覆功能,回覆確認訂單的郵件,上載付款截圖並傳送
  5. 成功付款後,我們會在一個工作天內向客人發出【已付款】通知


Please follow the steps below to make the transaction:
  1. Transfer payment via E-banking / PayMe App (Pay to a bank account)
  2. Please fill in the following information when transferring:
    1. Bank: HSBC (004)
    2. Account number: 801-551110-838 (Branch code: 801 Account number: 551110838)
    3. Account holder's name: shoppinglist
  3. Remark with your order number (displayed in the confirming order email). Please take screenshot after completing the transfer
  4. Through the reply function in Email, reply the confirming order email with your transfer screenshot and send it
  5. After successful payment, we will sent a【PAID】notification email to you within 1 working day