選擇以 Payme 付款的顧客,請按以下步驟進行交易:
- 打開PayMe App後點擊右上角的QR code圖案
- 直接掃描此頁的paycode,在訊息欄備註訂單編號 ( 已顯示在確認訂單的電郵中),完成轉賬後請截圖
- 透過Email內的回覆功能,回覆確認訂單的郵件,上載付款截圖並傳送
- 成功付款後,我們會在一個工作天內向客人發出【已付款】通知
- 請務必截圖以茲證明。未有上傳轉帳截圖或將被視作未完成交易而需重新付款
- Click the QR code in the upper right corner
- Directly scan the paycode below, remark with your order number (displayed in the confirming order email). Please take screenshot after completing the transfer
- Through the reply function in Email, reply the confirming order email with your transfer screenshot and send it
- After successful payment, we will sent a【PAID】notification email to you within 1 working day